Pengaruh brand innovativeness terhadap brand loyalty yang dimediasi oleh perceived quality
P Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis factor-faktor dari brandinnovativeness, perceived quality, dan brand loyalty. Data diperoleh dari kuesioneryang disebarkan secara online kepada 197 responden pengguna smartphone dari duabrand yaitu Samsung dan Iphone. Teknik Pengambilan sampel yang dilakukanadalah non-Probability Sampling Technique. Penelitian ini menggunakan alatanalisis yaitu SEM (Structural Equation Modelling).Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Brand innovativenessberpengaruh positif terhadap perceived quality, 2) Perceived quality berpengaruhpostif terhadap brand loyalty, 3) Brand innovativeness berpengaruh terhadap brandloyalty yang dimediasi perceived quality.
T The research aimed to analyze brand innovativeness, perceived quality, andbrand loyalty. The data obtained from questionnaires which have been shared to 197 people who use smartphone like Samsung and Iphone. Thesampling technique is non-probability sampling. This research used analysistechnique is SEM (Structural Equation Modelling).This research results showed that: 1) brand innovativeness has positive effecton perceived quality, 2) perceived quality has positive effect on brand loyalty, 3)brand innovativeness has effect on brand loyalty, and mediated by perceived quality.