Pengaruh green culture, carbon emissions management dan financial burden terhadap carbon tax perceptions dengan pengendalian climate change sebagai variabel moderasi
P Pengamatan ini membahas mengenai pengaruh green culture, carbon emissions management, dan financial burden terhadap persepsi carbon tax dengan pengendalian climate change sebagai variabel moderasi. Tujuannya untuk menganalisis dan menguji pengaruh green culture, carbon emissions management, dan financial burden terhadap persepsi carbon tax yang dimoderasi dengan pengendalian climate change. Adapun metode yang digunakan kuantitatif deskriptif data primer yang diperoleh dari responden terhadap jawaban kuesioner. Peneliti mengirimkan kuesioner melalui media Whatsapps, Line, facebook, postingan educations melalui Instagram, story Instagram, linkedin, dan Email. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa green culture dan financial burden berpengaruh positif terhadap carbon tax, namun berpengaruh negative antara carbon emission management terhadap carbon tax serta pengendalian climate change tidak memperkuat carbon emissions management namun memperkuat green culture dan financial burden terhadap carbon tax.
T This observation discusses the effect of green culture, carbon emissions management, and financial burden on the perception of carbon tax by controlling climate change as a moderating variable. The aim is to analyze and examine the effect of green culture, carbon emissions management, and financial burden on the perception of carbon tax moderated by controlling climate change. The method used is descriptive quantitative primary data obtained from respondents to the answers to the questionnaire. Researchers sent questionnaires through Whatsapps, Line, Facebook, education posts via Instagram, Instagram stories, linkedin, and Email. The results of the study prove that green culture and financial burden have a positive effect on carbon tax, but have a negative effect on carbon emission management on carbon tax and climate change control does not strengthen carbon emissions management but strengthens green culture and financial burden on carbon tax.